Food for thought

Topic 8: On a lighter note… PWD unleashed on Phuket!

Topic 8: On a lighter note… PWD unleashed on Phuket!

A Series of “Flawless Facts” by Lesa Bradshaw – Topic 8 I hope that you are all back from a great holiday and ready to rumble in 2020. I have no doubt that some of you could do with a belly laugh to cheer you up – after all, returning to a responsible life after...

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Topic 6: Talk is cheap – Experiences create impact!

Topic 6: Talk is cheap – Experiences create impact!

A Series of “Flawless Facts” by Lesa Bradshaw – Topic 6 With International Day of Persons with Disabilities coming up on 03rd December, many companies are mobilising to use this opportunity to raise awareness about disability as a value adding form of...

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Podcasts by Lesa


From Special to Equal

Bradshaw-LeRoux | The Power of the narrative

Power of the narrative

Episode 1

Why 2 inches really does matter

Why 2 Inches Really Does Matter..

Episode 2

Bradshaw-LeRoux | Looking up the nostrils of ableism

Looking up the nostrils of ableism

Episode 3


Bring on C-3PO! How AI changed my world

Episode 4

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